
Base class for extensions.

This class extends the inkex.Effect class by adding several basic functions to help manipulating inkscape elements. All extensions should inherit this class.


Unless explicitly mentioned, all the code snippet presented in this section assume you are using inkscapeMadeEasy as presented in the Minimal example section and your are within the scope of your extension class and, therefore, can use self.[SOME_FUNCTION].


in all examples, assume inkscapeMadeEasy modules are imported with the following aliases

1import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Base as inkBase
2import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw as inkDraw
3import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Plot as inkPlot
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy[source]

Bases: Effect


ArgParser function to turn a boolean string into a python boolean


valueStr (string) – string representing a boolean. Valid values: ‘true’,’false’ with any letter capitalization


boolean value

Return type:



This function was copied from to avoid having to import in your project just to use inkex.Boolean in arg_parser.add_argument. You can pass this function in arg_parser.add_argument method when dealing with boolean values. See Minimal example section for a good example.


In your __init__ function, arg_parser.add_argument requires a callable to convert string to bool when dealing with bool variables. See Minimal example section for a good example.

>>> self.arg_parser.add_argument("--boolVariable", type=self.bool, dest="boolVariable", default=False)

Display a message to the user.


msg (string) – message



Return type:


Creates an empty svg file.


The empty file does not replace the current opened document


fileName – valid filename and path



Return type:


Return the full path of the basicLatexPackages.tex file with commonly used Latex packages

The default contents of the basicLatexPackages.tex is:


Full path of the file with commonly used Latex packages

Return type:



You can add other packages to the file basicLatexPackages.tex.

Dump(obj, file='./dump_file.txt', mode='w')[source]

Function to easily output the result of str(obj) to a file

  • obj (any) – python object to sent to a file. Any object can be used, as long as str(obj) is implemented (see __str__() metaclass definition of your object)

  • file (string) – file path. Default: ./dump_file.txt

  • mode (string) – writing mode of the file Default: w (write)



Return type:


This function was created to help debugging the code while it is running under inkscape. Since inkscape does not possess a terminal as today (2016), this function overcomes partially the issue of sending things to stdout by dumping result of the function str(obj) in a text file.


>>> vector1=[1,2,3,4,5,6]
>>> self.Dump(vector1,file='~/temporary.txt',mode='w')   # writes the list to a file
>>> vector2=[7,8,9,10]
>>> self.Dump(vector2,file='~/temporary.txt',mode='a')   # append the list to a file

Remove one element (can be a group) of the document.

If the parent of the removed element is a group and has no other children, then the parent group is also removed.


element (inkscape element object) – inkscape element object to be removed. If the element is a group, then all its chidren are also removed.



Return type:


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                              # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> groupA = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='temp')                # creates a group inside rootLayer
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupA, [[5,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupA
>>> line2 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(rootLayer, [[5,0]],[0,0])    # creates a line in rootLayer
>>> line3 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupA, [[15,0]],[10,0])     # creates a line in groupA
>>> self.removeElement(line1)                                         # removes line 1
>>> self.removeElement(line2)                                         # removes line 2
>>> self.removeElement(line3)                                         # removes line 3. Also removes groupA since this group has no other children
>>> groupB = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='temp1')                # creates a group inside rootLayer
>>> line4 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupB, [[5,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupB
>>> self.removeElement(groupB)                                        # removes group B and all its children
importSVG(parent, fileIn, createGroup=True, position=None, scaleFactor=1.0, unifyDefs=True)[source]

Import SVG file into the current document

  • parent (inkscape element object) – parent element where all contents will be placed

  • fileIn (string) – SVG file path

  • createGroup (bool) – create a group containing all imported elements. (Default: True)

  • position – set center position of the group. Used only if createGroup=True (Default: None)

  • scaleFactor – set scaling factor of the group. Used only if createGroup=True (Default: 1.0)

  • unifyDefs (bool) – unify the defs node via unifyDefs(). (Default: False)


imported element objects. If createGroup==True, returns the group. Otherwise returns a list with all imported elements

Return type:

inkscape element object or list of objects


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                              # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> imported1 = self.importSVG(rootLayer,'/path/to/file1.svg',True)  # import contents of the file and group them. imported1 is the group element
>>> imported2 = self.importSVG(rootLayer,'/path/to/file2.svg',False) # import contents of the file. imported2 is a list of the imported elements
exportSVG(element, fileOut)[source]

Export the element (or list of elements) in a new svgfile.

This function will export the element (or list of elements) to a new SVG file. If a list of elements is passed as argument, all elements in the list will be exported to the same file.

  • element (inkscape element object or list of inkscape element objects) – element or list of elements to be exported

  • fileOut – file path, including the extension.



Return type:


Currently (2020), all the defs of the original file will be copied to the new file. Therefore you might want to run the vacuum tool to cleanup the new SVG file File > Clean um document


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                          # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> groupA = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='temp')            # creates a group inside rootLayer
>>> groupB = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='child')           # creates a group inside groupA
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupA, [[10,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupA
>>> line2 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupB, [[20,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupB
>>> self.exportSVG(line1,'path/to/file1.svg')                    # exports only line1
>>> self.exportSVG(groupA,'path/to/file2.svg')                   # exports groupA (and all elements it contais)
>>> self.exportSVG([groupA,groupB],'path/to/file3.svg')          # exports groupA and groupB (and all elements they contain) to the same file

Generate an unique element ID number with a given prefix ID by adding a numeric suffix

This function is used to generate a valid unique ID by concatenating a given prefix with a numeric suffix. The overall format is prefix-%05d.

This function makes sure the ID is unique by checking in doc_ids member. This function is specially useful for creating an unique ID for markers and other elements in defs.


prefix_id (string) – prefix of the ID


the unique ID

Return type:



This function has been adapted from However it uses an incremental number method


>>> a=self.uniqueIdNumber('myName')    # a=myName-00001
>>> b=self.uniqueIdNumber('myName')    # b=myName-00002, because myName-00001 is already in use
>>> c=self.uniqueIdNumber('myName')    # c=myName-00003, because myName-00001 and myName-00002 are already in use
>>> d=self.uniqueIdNumber('myNameX')   # d=myNameX-00001

Return the <defs> element of the svg file.

This function returns the principal <defs> element of the current svg file.

if no <defs> can be found, a new empty <defs> is created


the defs element

Return type:

inkscape element object

cleanDefs(removeUnused=False, unifyDuplicates=False)[source]

Unify all <defs> nodes in a single <defs> node.


ungroupChild (bool) – if any entry is a group, removes the group. (Default: False)



Return type:


This function does not check whether the ids are unique!


Return a list of elements in <defs> of a given a tag.


tag (string) – tag of the element


a list with the def elements

Return type:

list of inkscape elements


Return a list of elements in <defs> of a given (part of) id


id – (part of the id of the element)


a list with the def elements

Return type:

list of inkscape elements


Return the element from the xml, given its xpath


xpath (string) – xpath of the element to be searched


inkscape element object

Return type:

inkscape element object


>>> name = self.getElemFromXpath('/svg:svg//svg:defs')   # returns the list of definitions of the document
getElemAttrib(elem, attribName)[source]

Return the atribute of one element, given the atribute name

  • elem (inkscape element object) – element under consideration

  • attribName (string) – attribute to be searched. Format: namespace:attrName



Return type:



>>> elem= self.getElemFromXpath('/svg:svg')               # first get the element. In this example, the entire document
>>> docNAme = self.getElemAttrib(elem,'sodipodi:docname') # now get the name of the document, an attribute of svg:svg

Return the scale factor of the document.

The scale factor is defined as

S=\frac{\text{document width}}{\text{viewbox width}}


>>> scale = self.getDocumentScaleFactor()

Return the name of the document



Return type:



>>> name = self.getDocumentName()

Return the unit of the document


unit string code. See table below

Return type:



The list of available units are:


string code




1in = 25.4mm



1cm = 10mm



1m = 100cm



1km = 1000m



1in = 96px



1ft = 12in



1yd = 3ft



1in = 72pt





1in = 6pc


>>> docunit = self.getDocumentUnit()    #returns 'cm', 'mm', etc.

Return the current layer of the document


Name of the current layer

Return type:



>>> name = self.getcurrentLayer()
unit2userUnit(value, unit_in)[source]

Convert a value from given unit to inkscape’s default unit (px)

  • value (float) – value to be converted

  • unit_in (string) – input unit string code. See table below


converted value

Return type:



The list of available units are:


string code




1in = 25.4mm



1cm = 10mm



1m = 100cm



1km = 1000m



1in = 96px



1ft = 12in



1yd = 3ft



1in = 72pt





1in = 6pc


>>> x_cm = 5.0
>>> x_px = self.unit2userUnit(x_cm,'cm')       # converts  5.0cm -> 188.97px
userUnit2unit(value, unit_out)[source]

Convert a value from inkscape’s default unit (px) to specified unit

  • value (float) – value to be converted

  • unit_out (string) – output unit string code. See table below


converted value

Return type:



The list of available units are:


string code




1in = 25.4mm



1cm = 10mm



1m = 100cm



1km = 1000m



1in = 96px



1ft = 12in



1yd = 3ft



1in = 72pt





1in = 6pc


>>> x_px = 5.0
>>> x_cm = self.userUnit2unit(x_px,'cm')       # converts  5.0px -> 0.1322cm
unit2unit(value, unit_in, unit_out)[source]

Convert a value from one unit to another unit

  • value (float) – value to be converted

  • unit_in (string) – input unit string code. See table below

  • unit_out (string) – output unit string code. See table below


converted value

Return type:



The list of available units are:


string code




1in = 25.4mm



1cm = 10mm



1m = 100cm



1km = 1000m



1in = 96px



1ft = 12in



1yd = 3ft



1in = 72pt





1in = 6pc


>>> x_in = 5.0
>>> x_cm = self.unit2unit(x_in,'in','cm')       # converts  5.0in -> 12.7cm
createGroup(parent, label=None)[source]

Create a new empty group of elements.

This function creates a new empty group of elements. To create new elements inside this groups you must create them informing the group as the parent element.

  • parent (inkscape element object) – parent object of the group. It can be another group or the root element

  • label (string) – label of the group. Default: None. The label does not have to be unique


the group object

Return type:

group element


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                              # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> groupA = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='temp')                # creates a group inside rootLayer
>>> groupB = self.createGroup(groupA,label='child')                  # creates a group inside groupA
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupA, [[10,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupA
>>> line2 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupB, [[20,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupB

Ungroup elements

The new parent element of the ungrouped elements will be the parent of the removed group. See example below


group (group element) – group to be removed


list of the elements previously contained in the group

Return type:

list of inkscape object elements


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                          # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> groupA = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='temp')            # creates a group inside rootLayer
>>> groupB = self.createGroup(groupA,label='temp')               # creates a group inside groupA
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupA, [[10,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupA
>>> line2 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupB, [[20,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupB
>>> line3 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupB, [[30,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupB
>>>  # at this point, the file struct is:   rootLayer[groupA[ line1, groupB[ line2, line3 ] ]]
>>> elemList = self.ungroup(groupB)                              # ungroup line2 and line3. elemList is a list containing line2 and line3 elements.
>>>  # now the file struct is:   rootLayer[groupA[ line1, line2, line3 ]]

Return the transformation attribute of the given element and the resulting 3x3 transformation matrix (numpy Array)

This function is used to extract the transformation operator of a given element.


element (inkscape element object) – element object with the transformation matrix


list [transfAttrib, transfMatrix]

  • transfAttrib: string containing all transformations as it is in the file

  • transfMatrix: numpy array with the resulting 3x3 transformation matrix

Return type:



If the element does not have any transformation attribute, this function returns: - transfAttrib=’’ (empty string) - transfMatrix= 3x3 identity matrix

rotateElement(element, center, angleDeg)[source]

apply a rotation to the element using the transformation matrix attribute.

It is possible to rotate isolated elements or groups.

  • element (inkscape element object) – element object to be rotated

  • center (list) – center point of rotation

  • angleDeg (float) – angle of rotation in degrees, counter-clockwise direction



Return type:


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                              # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> groupA = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='temp')                # creates a group inside rootLayer
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupA, [[5,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupA
>>> line2 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(rootLayer, [[5,0]],[0,0])    # creates a line in rootLayer
>>> self.rotateElement(line2,[0,0],120)                              # rotates line2 120 degrees around center x=0,y=0
>>> self.rotateElement(groupA,[1,1],-90)                             # rotates groupA -90 degrees around center x=1,y=1
copyElement(element, newParent, distance=None, angleDeg=None)[source]

Copy one element to the same parent or other parent group.

It is possible to copy elements isolated or entire groups.

  • element (inkscape element object) – element object to be copied

  • newParent (inkscape element object) – New parent object. Can be another group or the same group

  • distance (list) – moving distance of the new copy. The coordinates are relative to the original position. If None, then the copy is placed at the same position

  • angleDeg (float) – angle of rotation in degrees, counter-clockwise direction


new element

Return type:

inkscape element object


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                              # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> groupA = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='temp')                # creates a group inside rootLayer
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupA, [[5,0]],[0,0])            # creates a line in groupA
>>> line2 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(rootLayer, [[5,0]],[0,0])         # creates a line in rootLayer
>>> self.copyElement(line2,groupA)                                   # create a copy of line2 in groupA
>>> self.moveElement(groupA,[10,-10])                                # moves line2  DeltaX=10, DdeltaY=-10
moveElement(element, distance)[source]

Move the element using the transformation attribute.

It is possible to move elements isolated or entire groups.

  • element (inkscape element object) – element object to be moved

  • distance (tuple) – moving distance. The coordinates are relative to the original position.



Return type:


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                              # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> groupA = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='temp')                # creates a group inside rootLayer
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(groupA, [[5,0]],[0,0])       # creates a line in groupA
>>> line2 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(rootLayer, [[5,0]],[0,0])    # creates a line in rootLayer
>>> self.moveElement(line2,[10,10])                                  # moves line2  DeltaX=10, DdeltaY=10
>>> self.moveElement(groupA,[10,-10])                                # moves line2  DeltaX=10, DdeltaY=-10
scaleElement(element, scaleX=1.0, scaleY=None, center=None)[source]

Scale the element using the transformation attribute.

It is possible to scale elements isolated or entire groups.

  • element (inkscape element object) – element object to be scaled

  • scaleX (float) – scaling factor in X direction. Default=1.0

  • scaleY – scaling factor in Y direction. Default=``None``. If scaleY=``None``, then scaleY=scaleX is assumed (default behavior)

  • center (list) – center point considered as the origin for the scaling. Default=``None``. If None, the origin is adopted



Return type:


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                              # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> groupA = self.createGroup(rootLayer,label='temp')                # creates a group inside rootLayer
>>> circ1 = centerRadius(groupA,centerPoint=[0,0],radius=1.0)        # creates a line in groupA
>>> circ2 = centerRadius(rootLayer,centerPoint=[0,0],radius=1.0)     # creates a line in rootLayer
>>> self.scaleElement(circ1,2.0)                                     # scales x2 in both X and Y directions
>>> self.scaleElement(circ1,2.0,3.0)                                 # scales x2 in X and x3 in Y
>>> self.scaleElement(groupA,0.5)                                    # scales x0.5 the group in both X and Y directions
addAttribute(element, attributeName, attributeValue, forceWrite=False)[source]

Add a new attribute to the element. If the attribute already exists, forceWrite=True overwrites it. Otherwise the attribute is left unchanged.

  • element (inkscape element object) – element object

  • attributeName (string) – attribute name

  • attributeValue (string) – attribute value

  • forceWrite (bool) – force write if the attibute already exists



Return type:

Example >>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot() # retrieves the root layer of the file >>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(rootLayer, [[5,0],[0,6]],[0,0]) # creates a line in groupA, using relative coordinates >>> list = self.getPoints(line1) # list = [[0.0, 0.0], [5.0, 0.0], [5.0, 6.0]]

>>> self.addAttribute(line1, attributeName='myInfo', attributeValue='my Data = %f' %3.5, forceWrite=True) # add new attribute
>>> self.addAttribute(line1, attributeName='myInfo', attributeValue='my Data = %f' %4.5, forceWrite=False) # does nothing. attribute already exists
>>> self.addAttribute(line1, attributeName='myInfo', attributeValue='my Data = %f' %5.5, forceWrite=True) # overwrite attribute

Search for markerName definition in the document.


markerName (string) – name of the marker


True if markerName is in the document. False otherwise

Return type:



Returns a list of points of the element.

This function works on paths, texts, groups, uses, rects. In the case of a group, the function will include recursively all its components.


element (inkscape element object) – element object


array of points

Return type:

numpy array


This function will apply any transformation stored in transform attribute, that is, it will compute the resulting coordinates of each object


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                                   # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(rootLayer, [[5,0],[0,6]],[0,0])        # creates a line in groupA, using relative coordinates
>>> list = self.getPoints(line1)                                          # list = [[0.0, 0.0], [5.0, 0.0], [5.0, 6.0]]

Return the bounding Box of the element.

This function works on paths, texts or groups. In the case of a group, the function will consider recursively all its components


element (inkscape element object) – element object


two lists: [xMin,yMin] and [xMax,yMax]

Return type:



This function will appply any transformation stored in transform attribute, that is, it will compute the resulting coordinates of each object


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                                   # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(rootLayer, [[5,0],[0,6]],[0,0])        # creates a line in groupA
>>> BboxMin,BboxMax = self.getBoundingBox(line1)                          # gets BboxMin = [0.0, 0.0] and BboxMax = [5.0, 6.0]

Return the center coordinates of the bounding Box of the element.

This function works on paths, texts or groups. In the case of a group, the function will consider recursively all its components


element (inkscape element object) – element object


list: [xCenter, yCenter]

Return type:



This function will apply any transformation stored in transform attribute, that is, it will compute the resulting coordinates of each object


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                                   # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.relCoords(rootLayer, [[5,0],[0,6]],[0,0])   # creates a line in groupA
>>> Center = self.getCenter(line1)                                        # gets Center = [2.5, 3.0]
getSegmentFromPoints(pointList, normalDirection='R')[source]

Given two points of a straight line segment, returns the parameters of that segment:

length, angle (in radians), tangent unitary vector and normal unitary vector

  • pointList (list of points) – start and end coordinates [ Pstart, Pend ]

  • normalDirection (string) –

    • ‘R’: normal vector points to the right of the tangent vector (Default)

    • ’L’: normal vector points to the left of the tangent vector


list: [length, theta, t_versor,n_versor]

Return type:



>>> segmentParam = getSegmentFromPoints([[1,1],[2,2]],'R')                               # returns [1.4142, 0.78540, [0.7071,0.7071], [0.7071,-0.7071] ]
>>> segmentParam = getSegmentFromPoints([[1,1],[2,2]],'L')                               # returns [1.4142, 0.78540, [0.7071,0.7071], [-0.7071,0.7071] ]
getSegmentParameters(element, normalDirection='R')[source]

Given a path segment composed by only two points, returns the parameters of that segment:

length, angle (in radians), start point, end point, tangent unitary vector and normal unitary vector

This function works with paths only.

  • If the element is not a path, the function returns an empty list

  • If the path element has more than two points, the function returns an empty list

  • element (inkscape element object) – path element object

  • normalDirection (string) –

    • ‘R’: normal vector points to the right of the tangent vector (Default)

    • ’L’: normal vector points to the left of the tangent vector


list: [Pstart,Pend,length, theta, t_versor,n_versor]

Return type:



This function will apply any transformation stored in transform attribute, that is, it will compute the resulting coordinates of each object


>>> rootLayer = self.document.getroot()                        # retrieves the root layer of the file
>>> line1 = inkDraw.line.absCoords(rootLayer, [[1,1],[2,2]])   # creates a line in groupA
>>> segementList = getSegmentParameters(line1,'R')             # returns [[1,1], [2,2],1.4142, 0.78540,  [0.7071,0.7071], [0.7071,-0.7071] ]


This module contains classes and functions to help dealing with drawings.


Unless explicitly mentioned, all the code snippet presented in this section assume you are using inkscapeMadeEasy as presented in the Minimal example section and your are within the scope of your extension class and, therefore, can use self.[SOME_FUNCTION].


in all examples, assume inkscapeMadeEasy modules are imported with the following aliases

1import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Base as inkBase
2import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw as inkDraw
3import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Plot as inkPlot

Display a message to the user.


msg (string) – message



Return type:


Identical function has been also defined inside inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy() class

inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.Dump(obj, file='./dump_file.txt', mode='w')[source]

Function to easily output the result of str(obj) to a file

  • obj (any) – python object to sent to a file. Any object can be used, as long as str(obj) is implemented (see __str__() metaclass definition of your object)

  • file (string) – file path. Default: ./dump_file.txt

  • mode (string) – writing mode of the file Default: w (write)



Return type:


Identical function has been also defined inside inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy() class

This function was created to help debugging the code while it is running under inkscape. Since inkscape does not possess a terminal as today (2016), this function overcomes partially the issue of sending things to stdout by dumping result of the function str() in a text file.


>>> vector1=[1,2,3,4,5,6]
>>> inkDraw.Dump(vector1,file='~/temporary.txt',mode='w')   # writes the list to a file
>>> vector2=[7,8,9,10]
>>> inkDraw.Dump(vector2,file='~/temporary.txt',mode='a')   # append the list to a file
inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.circle3Points(P1, P2, P3)[source]

Find the center and radius of a circle based on 3 points on the circle.

Returns [None,None] either if the points are aligned and no (finite radius) circle can be defined or if two of the points are coincident.


P1,P2,P3 (list) –

points [x,y]


Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!


[center, radius]

Return type:

[numpy array, float]

class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color[source]

Bases: object

This class manipulates color information, generating a string in inkscape’s expected format #RRGGBBAA


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static defined(colorName, alpha=1.0)[source]

Return the color string representing a predefined color name

  • colorName (string) – prededined color name. See figure below

  • alpha (float) – alpha channel. Values between 0.0 and 1.0


string representing the color in inkscape’s expected format #RRGGBBAA

Return type:


Available pre defined colors



>>> colorString = inkDraw.color.defined('red',1.0)        # returns #ff0000ff representing red color
static RGB(RGBlist, alpha=255)[source]

return a string representing a color specified by RGB level in the range 0-255

  • RGBlist (list of ints) – list containing RGB levels in the range 0-225 each

  • alpha (int) – alpha channel. Values in the range 0-225. Default: 255


string representing the color in inkscape’s expected format #RRGGBBAA

Return type:



>>> colorString = inkDraw.color.RGB([120,80,0],255)        # returns a string representing the color R=120, G=80, B=0, A=255
static rgb(RGBlist, alpha=1.0)[source]

Return a string representing a color specified by RGB level in the range 0.0-1.0

  • RGBlist (list of floats) – list containing RGB levels in the range 0.0-1.0 each

  • alpha (int) – alpha channel. Values in the range 0.0-1.0. Default: 1.0


string representing the color in inkscape’s expected format #RRGGBBAA

Return type:



>>> colorString = color.rgb([0.5,0.8,0.0],255)                   # returns a string representing the color R=127, G=204, B=0, A=255
static gray(percentage, alpha=1.0)[source]

Return a string representing a gray color based on white percentage between 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (white)

  • if percentage is higher than 1.0, percentage is truncated to 1.0 (white)

  • if percentage is lower than 0.0, percentage is truncated to 0.0 (black)

  • percentage (float) – value between 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (white)

  • alpha (int) – alpha channel. Values in the range 0.0-1.0. Default: 1.0


string representing the color in inkscape’s expected format #RRGGBBAA

Return type:



>>> colorString = color.gray(0.6,1.0)                   # returns a string representing the gray level with 60% of white, alpha=100%
static val2hex(value)[source]

return a string representing a color specified by level in the range 0-255

If value is not in the range 0-255, the result will be truncated in this range


value (int) – color value in the range 0-255


string representing the color in hexadecimal

Return type:



>>> colorString = color.val2hex(255)                   # returns FF
>>> colorString = color.val2hex(127)                   # returns 7F
>>> colorString = color.val2hex(-1)                   # returns 00
>>> colorString = color.val2hex(300)                   # returns FF
static splitColorAlpha(colorString)[source]

Split color and alpha channel from colorSting in #RRGGBBAA format


string representing the color in hexadecimal in #RRGGBBAA format




a list of strings: [color,alpha] - color: string in #RRGGBB format - alpha: string in AA format

Return type:



>>> colorComponents = color.splitColorAlpha('#FFF700FF')                   # returns ['#FFF700', 'FF']
static colorPickerToRGBalpha(colorPickerString)[source]

Function that converts the string returned by the widget ‘color’ in the .inx file into 2 strings, one representing the color in format #RRGGBB and the other representing the alpha channel AA


you probably don’t need to use this function. Consider using the method color.parseColorPicker()


colorPickerString (string) – string returned by ‘color’ widget


a list of strings: [color,alpha] - color: string in #RRGGBB format - alpha: string in AA format

Return type:



For more information on this widget, see this.


1- You must have one parameter of the type ‘color’ in your inx file:

<param name="myColorPicker" type="color"></param>

2- Parse it as a string in your .py file:

self.OptionParser.add_argument("--myColorPicker", type=str, dest="myColorPickerVar", default='#00000000')
3- call this function to convert self.options.myColorPickerVar into two strings
  • #RRGGBB with RGB values in hex

  • AA with alpha value in hex


Let your .inx file contain a widget of type ‘color’ with the name myColorPicker:

<param name="myColorPicker" type="color"></param>

Then in the .py file

>>> import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Base as inkBase
>>> import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw as inkDraw
>>> import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Plot as inkPlot
>>> class myExtension(inkBase.inkscapeMadeEasy):
>>>   def __init__(self):
>>>     inkBase.inkscapeMadeEasy.__init__(self)
>>>     self.OptionParser.add_argument("--myColorPicker", type=str, dest="myColorPickerVar", default='#000000FF')  # parses the input parameter
>>>   def effect(self):
>>>     color,alpha = inkDraw.color.colorPickerToRGBalpha(self.options.myColorPickerVar)       # returns the string representing the selected color and alpha channel
static parseColorPicker(stringColorOption, stringColorPicker)[source]

Function that converts the string returned by the widgets ‘color’ and ‘optiongroup’ in the .inx file into a string, in format #RRGGBBAA

You must have in your .inx both ‘optiongroup’ and ‘color’ widgets as defined below. You don’t have to have all the color options presented in the example. The example presents the most complete list with all the default colors in color.defined method.

  • stringColorOption (string) – string returned by ‘optiongroup’ widget

  • stringColorPicker (string) – string returned by ‘color’ widget


color string in #RRGGBBAA format

Return type:



For more information on this widget, see this link


It works in the following manner: The user select in the optiongroup list the desired color. All pre defined colors in inkscapeMadeEasy are listed there. There is also a ‘my default color’ option where you can set your preferred default color and an ‘use color picker’ option to activate the color picker widget. Keep in mind that the selected color in the color picker widget will be considered ONLY if ‘use color picker’ option is selected.

  1. Example with full form of color widget. In this example a use color picker is selected from the optiongroup widget. Therefore the color picker widget will have effect

  1. Example with compact form of color widget. In this example a color is selected from the optiongroup widget. Therefore the color picker widget will have no effect


Bellow is the template ‘color’ widget with name ‘myColorPicker’ and an ‘optiongroup’ with the name ‘myColorOption’ for the .inx file:

<param name="myColorOption" type="optiongroup" appearance="minimal" _gui-text="some text here">
    <_option value="#FF0022FF">my default color</_option>    <--you can set your pre define color in the form #RRGGBBAA
    <_option value="none">none</_option>                   <-- no color
    <_option value="black">black</_option>
    <_option value="red">red</_option>
    <_option value="blue">blue</_option>
    <_option value="yellow">yellow</_option>
    <_option value="green">green</_option>          <-- these are all standardized colors in inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color class!
    <_option value="magen">magenta</_option>
    <_option value="white">white</_option>
    <_option value="Lred">Lred</_option>
    <_option value="Lblue">Lblue</_option>
    <_option value="Lyellow">Lyellow</_option>
    <_option value="Lgreen">Lgreen</_option>
    <_option value="Lmagen">Lmagenta</_option>
    <_option value="Dred">Dred</_option>
    <_option value="Dblue">Dblue</_option>
    <_option value="Dyellow">Dyellow</_option>
    <_option value="Dgreen">Dgreen</_option>
    <_option value="Dmagen">Dmagenta</_option>
    <_option value="picker">use color picker</_option>     <-- indicate that the color must be taken from the colorPicker attribute
<param name="myColorPicker" type="color"></param>

Then in the .py file

>>> import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Base as inkBase
>>> import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw as inkDraw
>>> import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Plot as inkPlot
>>> class myExtension(inkBase.inkscapeMadeEasy):
>>>   def __init__(self):
>>>     inkBase.inkscapeMadeEasy.__init__(self)
>>>     self.OptionParser.add_argument("--myColorPicker", type=str, dest="myColorPickerVar", default='0')       # parses the input parameters
>>>     self.OptionParser.add_argument("--myColorOption", type=str, dest="myColorOptionVar", default='black')   # parses the input parameter
>>>   def effect(self):
>>>     so = self.options
>>>     colorString = inkDraw.color.parseColorPicker(so.myColorOptionVar,so.myColorPickerVar)
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.marker[source]

Bases: object

Class to manipulate markers.

This class is used to create new custom markers. Markers can be used with the inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.lineStyle() class to define line types that include start, mid and end markers

The base method of this class is marker.createMarker() that can create custom markers. There are also other methods that simplify the creation of commonly used markers. The implemented predefined markers are presented in the figure below.



This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static createMarker(ExtensionBaseObj, nameID, markerPath, RenameMode=0, strokeColor='#000000FF', fillColor='#000000FF', lineWidth=1.0, markerTransform=None)[source]

Create a custom line marker

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • nameID (string) – nameID of the marker

  • markerPath (string) –

    Path definition. Must follow ‘d’ attribute format. See this link for further information

  • RenameMode (int) –

    Renaming behavior mode

    • 0: (default) do not rename the marker. If nameID is already taken, the marker will not be modified.

    • 1: overwrite marker definition if nameID is already taken


      when a marker is created using RenameMode=1, any marker with the same name will disapear from inkscape’s canvas. This is an inkscape issue. Save the document and reload it, everything should be fine.

    • 2: Create a new unique nameID, adding a suffix number (Please refer to inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy.uniqueIdNumber()

  • strokeColor (string) – Stroke color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’). See inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color() for functions to create color strings

  • fillColor (string) – Filling color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’). See inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color() for functions to create color strings

  • lineWidth (float) – Line width of the marker. Default: 1.0

  • markerTransform (string) –

    custom transform applied to marker’s path. Default: None


    The transform must follow ‘transform’ attribute format. See this link for further information


NameID of the new marker

Return type:


System of coordinates

The system of coordinates of the marker depends on the point under consideration. The following figure presents the coordinate system for all cases



>>> nameID='myMarker'
>>> markerPath='M 3,0 L 0,1 L 0,-1 z'   # defines a path forming an triangle with vertices (3,0) (0,1) (0,-1)
>>> strokeColor=inkDraw.color.defined('red')
>>> fillColor=None
>>> RenameMode=1
>>> width=1
>>> markerTransform=None
>>> markerID=inkDraw.marker.createMarker(self,nameID,markerPath,RenameMode,strokeColor,fillColor,width,markerTransform)
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(1.0, markerEnd=markerID,lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'))  # see lineStyle class for further information on this function
>>> #tries to make another marker with the same nameID, changing RenameMode
>>> strokeColor=inkDraw.color.defined('blue')
>>> RenameMode=0
>>> markerID=inkDraw.marker.createMarker(self,nameID,RenameMode,scale,strokeColor,fillColor) # this will not modify the marker
>>> RenameMode=1
>>> markerID=inkDraw.marker.createMarker(self,nameID,RenameMode,scale,strokeColor,fillColor) # modifies the marker 'myMarker'
>>> RenameMode=2
>>> markerID=inkDraw.marker.createMarker(self,nameID,RenameMode,scale,strokeColor,fillColor) # creates a new marker with nameID='myMarker-0001'


In the future, path definition and transformation will be modified to make it easier to design custom markers. =)

static createDotMarker(ExtensionBaseObj, nameID, RenameMode=0, scale=0.4, strokeColor='#000000FF', fillColor='#000000FF')[source]

Create circular dot markers, exactly like inkscape default dotS dotM or dotL markers.

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • nameID (string) – nameID of the marker

  • RenameMode (int) –

    Renaming behavior mode

    • 0: (default) do not rename the marker. If nameID is already taken, the marker will not be modified.

    • 1: overwrite marker definition if nameID is already taken


      when a marker is created using RenameMode=1, any marker with the same name will disapear from inkscape’s canvas. This is an inkscape issue. Save the document and reload it, everything should be fine.

    • 2: Create a new unique nameID, adding a suffix number (Please refer to inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy.uniqueIdNumber()

  • scale (float) – Scale factor of the marker. To exactly copy inkscape sizes dotS/M/L, use 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 respectively. Default: 0.4

  • strokeColor (string) – Stroke color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’). See inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color() for functions to create color strings

  • fillColor (string) – Filling color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’). See inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color() for functions to create color strings


NameID of the new marker

Return type:



>>> myMarker=inkDraw.marker.createDotMarker(self,nameID='myDotMarkerA',RenameMode=1,scale=0.5,strokeColor=inkDraw.color.defined('red'),fillColor=None)
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(1.0, markerEnd=myMarker,lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'))  # see lineStyle class for further information on this function
static createCrossMarker(ExtensionBaseObj, nameID, RenameMode=0, scale=0.4, strokeColor='#000000FF')[source]

Create a cross marker

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • nameID (string) – nameID of the marker

  • RenameMode (int) –

    Renaming behavior mode

    • 0: (default) do not rename the marker. If nameID is already taken, the marker will not be modified.

    • 1: overwrite marker definition if nameID is already taken


      when a marker is created using RenameMode=1, any marker with the same name will disapear from inkscape’s canvas. This is an inkscape issue. Save the document and reload it, everything should be fine.

    • 2: Create a new unique nameID, adding a suffix number (Please refer to inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy.uniqueIdNumber()

  • scale (float) – Scale of the marker. Default: 0.4

  • strokeColor (string) – Stroke color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’). See inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color() for functions to create color strings


NameID of the new marker

Return type:



>>> myMarker=inkDraw.marker.createCrossMarker(self,nameID='myDotMarkerA',RenameMode=1,scale=0.5,strokeColor=inkDraw.color.defined('red'))
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(1.0, markerEnd=myMarker,lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'))  # see lineStyle class for further information on this function
static createArrow1Marker(ExtensionBaseObj, nameID, RenameMode=0, scale=0.4, strokeColor='#000000FF', fillColor='#000000FF')[source]

Create arrow markers (both start and end markers)

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • nameID (string) –

    nameID of the marker.


    Start and End markers will have ‘Start’ and ‘End’ suffixes respectively

  • RenameMode (int) –

    Renaming behavior mode

    • 0: (default) do not rename the marker. If nameID is already taken, the marker will not be modified.

    • 1: overwrite marker definition if nameID is already taken


      when a marker is created using RenameMode=1, any marker with the same name will disapear from inkscape’s canvas. This is an inkscape issue. Save the document and reload it, everything should be fine.

    • 2: Create a new unique nameID, adding a suffix number (Please refer to inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy.uniqueIdNumber()

  • scale (float) – scale of the marker. Default: 0.4

  • strokeColor (string) – Stroke color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’). See inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color() for functions to create color strings

  • fillColor (string) – Filling color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’). See inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color() for functions to create color strings


a list of strings: [startArrowMarker,endArrowMarker] - startArrowMarker: nameID of start marker - endArrowMarker: nameID of end marker

Return type:



>>> StartArrowMarker,EndArrowMarker=inkDraw.marker.createArrow1Marker(self,nameID='myArrow',RenameMode=1,scale=0.5,strokeColor=inkDraw.color.defined('red'),fillColor=None)
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(1.0, markerStart=StartArrowMarker,markerEnd=EndArrowMarker,lineColor='#000000')  # see lineStyle class for further information on this function
static createElipsisMarker(ExtensionBaseObj, nameID, RenameMode=0, scale=1.0, fillColor='#000000FF')[source]

Create ellipsis markers, both start and end markers.



These markers differ from inkscape’s default ellipsis since these markers are made such that the diameter of the dots are equal to the line width.

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • nameID (string) – nameID of the marker. Start and End markers will have ‘Start’ and ‘End’ suffix respectively

  • RenameMode (int) –

    Renaming behavior mode

    • 0: (default) do not rename the marker. If nameID is already taken, the marker will not be modified.

    • 1: overwrite marker definition if nameID is already taken


      when a marker is created using RenameMode=1, any marker with the same name will disapear from inkscape’s canvas. This is an inkscape issue. Save the document and reload it, everything should be fine.

    • 2: Create a new unique nameID, adding a suffix number (Please refer to inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy.uniqueIdNumber()

  • scale (float) – Scale of the marker. Default 1.0

  • fillColor (string) – Filling color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’). See inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.color() for functions to create color strings


a list of strings: [startInfMarker,endInfMarker] - startInfMarker: nameID of start marker - endInfMarker: nameID of end marker

Return type:



>>> startInfMarker,endInfMarker=inkDraw.marker.createElipsisMarker(self,nameID='myInfMarker',RenameMode=1,scale=1.0,fillColor='#00FF00FF')
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(1.0, markerStart=startInfMarker,markerEnd=endInfMarker,lineColor='#000000FF')  # see lineStyle class for further information on this function
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.lineStyle[source]

Bases: object

Class to manipulate line styles.

This class is used to define line styles. It is capable of setting stroke and filling colors, line width, linejoin and linecap, markers (start, mid, and end) and stroke dash array

The base method of this class is lineStyle.set() that can create custom line types.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static set(lineWidth=1.0, lineColor='#000000FF', fillColor=None, lineJoin='round', lineCap='round', markerStart=None, markerMid=None, markerEnd=None, strokeDashArray=None)[source]

Create a new line style

  • lineWidth (float) – Line width. Default: 1.0

  • lineColor (string) – Color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’)

  • fillColor (string) – Color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: None

  • lineJoin (string) – Shape of the lines at the joints. Valid values ‘miter’, ‘round’, ‘bevel’. See image below. Default: round.

  • lineCap (string) – Shape of the lines at the ends. Valid values ‘butt’, ‘square’, ‘round’. See image below. Default: round

  • markerStart (string) – Marker at the start node. Default: None

  • markerMid (string) – Marker at the mid nodes. Default: None

  • markerEnd (string) – Marker at the end node. Default: None

  • strokeDashArray (string) –

    Dashed line pattern definition. Default: None. See this link for further information. Also, check method createDashedLinePattern


line definition following the provided specifications

Return type:


Line node types



>>> # creates a line style using a dot marker at its end node
>>> myMarker=inkDraw.marker.createDotMarker(self,nameID='myMarker',RenameMode=1,scale=0.5,strokeColor=color.defined('red'),fillColor=None)   # see marker class for further information on this function
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=1.0, markerEnd=myMarker,lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),fillColor=inkDraw.color('red'))
>>> # creates a line style with dashed line (5 units dash , 10 units gap)
>>> dashedPattern = inkDraw.lineStyle.createDashedLinePattern(5,10)
>>> myDashedStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=1.0,lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),fillColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),strokeDashArray=dashedPattern)
>>> # creates a line style with a more complex pattern (5 units dash , 10 units space, 2 units dash, 3 units space
>>> myDashedStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=1.0,lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),fillColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),strokeDashArray='5,10,2,3')
static createDashedLinePattern(dashLength=5.0, gapLength=10.0)[source]

Creates strokeDashArray of a dashed line necessary for method set

  • dashLength (float) – dash length. Default: 5.0

  • dashLength – gap length. Default: 10.0



Return type:



>>> myPattern = inkDraw.lineStyle.createDashedLinePattern(5,12)
>>> myDashedStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=1.0,lineColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),fillColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),strokeDashArray=myPattern)
static setSimpleBlack(lineWidth=1.0)[source]

Define a standard black line style.

The only adjustable parameter is its width. The fixed parameters are: lineColor=black, fillColor=None, lineJoin=’round’, lineCap=’round’, no markers, no dash pattern


lineWidth (float) – line width. Default: 1.0


line definition following the provided specifications

Return type:



>>> mySimpleStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack(lineWidth=2.0)
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.textStyle[source]

Bases: object

Class to create text styles.

This class is used to define text styles. It is capable of setting font size, justification, text color, font family, font style, font weight, line spacing, letter spacing and word spacing


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static set(fontSize=10, justification='left', textColor='#000000FF', fontFamily='Sans', fontStyle='normal', fontWeight='normal', lineSpacing='100%', letterSpacing='0px', wordSpacing='0px')[source]

Define a new text style

  • fontSize (float) – Size of the font in px. Default: 10

  • justification (string) – Text justification. left, right, center. Default: left

  • textColor (string) – Color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’)

  • fontFamily (string) –

    Font family name. Default Sans


    This method does NOT verify whether the font family is installed in your machine or not.

  • fontStyle (string) – normal or italic. Default: normal

  • fontWeight (string) – normal or bold. Default: normal

  • lineSpacing (string) – Spacing between lines in percentage. Default: 100%

  • letterSpacing (string) – Extra space between letters. Format: _px. Default: 0px

  • wordSpacing (string) – Extra space between words. Format: _px. Default: 0px


text style definition following the provided specifications

Return type:



>>> myTextStyle=inkDraw.textStyle.set(fontSize=10, justification='left', textColor=color.defined('black',0.5), fontFamily='Sans',
>>>                                   fontStyle='normal', fontWeight='normal', lineSpacing='100%', letterSpacing='0px', wordSpacing='0px')
static setSimpleBlack(fontSize=10, justification='left')[source]

Define a standard black text style

The only adjustable parameter are font size and justification. The fixed parameters are: textColor=color.defined(‘black’), fontFamily=’Sans’, fontStyle=’normal’, fontWeight=’normal’, lineSpacing=’100%’, letterSpacing=’0px’, wordSpacing=’0px.

  • fontSize (float) – Size of the font in px. Default: 10

  • justification (string) – Text justification. left, right, center. Default: left


text style definition following the provided specifications

Return type:



>>> mySimpleStyle = inkDraw.textStyle.setSimpleBlack(fontSize=20,justification='center')
static setSimpleColor(fontSize=10, justification='left', textColor='#000000FF')[source]

Define a standard colored text style

The only adjustable parameter are font size, justification and textColor. The fixed parameters are: fontFamily=’Sans’, fontStyle=’normal’, fontWeight=’normal’, lineSpacing=’100%’, letterSpacing=’0px’, wordSpacing=’0px.

  • fontSize (float) – Size of the font in px. Default: 10

  • justification (string) – Text justification. left, right, center. Default: left

  • textColor (string) – Color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’)


text style definition following the provided specifications

Return type:



>>> mySimpleStyle = inkDraw.textStyle.setSimpleColor(fontSize=20,justification='center',textColor=inkDraw.color.gray(0.5))
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.text[source]

Bases: object

Class for writing texts.

This class allows the cration of regular inkscape’s text elements or LaTeX text. For the later, TexText is incorporated here.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.


LaTeX support is an optional feature, enabled by default. Please refer to Disabling LaTeX support on how to disable it.

static write(ExtensionBaseObj, text, coords, parent, textStyle={'fill': '#000000', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'font-family': 'Sans', 'font-size': '10px', 'font-style': 'normal', 'font-weight': 'normal', 'letter-spacing': '0px', 'line-height': '100%', 'stroke': 'none', 'text-align': 'start', 'text-anchor': 'start', 'word-spacing': '0px'}, fontSize=None, justification=None, angleDeg=0.0)[source]

Add a text line to the document

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • text (string) – Text contents. Use \n in the string to start a new line

  • coords (list) – Position [x,y]

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • textStyle (textStyle object) – Text style to be used. See class textStyle. Default: textStyle.setSimpleBlack(fontSize=10,justification=’left’)

  • fontSize (float) – Size of the font in px. - None: Uses fontSize of textStyle argument (Default) - number: takes precedence over the size on textStyle

  • justification (string) – Text justification. left, right, center - None: Uses justification of textStyle argument (Default) - left, right, center: takes precedence over the justification set on textStyle

  • angleDeg (float) – Angle of the text, counterclockwise, in degrees. Default: 0


the new text object

Return type:

text Object


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> mySimpleStyle = inkDraw.textStyle.setSimpleBlack(fontSize=20,justification='center')  # creates a simple text style.
>>> #adds a two-line text, at the point x=5.0,y=6.0
>>> #               L1: 'foo bar who-hoo!'
>>> #               L2: 'second line!'
>>> myText='foo bar who-hoo!\nsecond line!'
>>> inkDraw.text.write(self, text=myText, coords=[5.0,6.0], parent=root_layer, textStyle=mySimpleStyle, fontSize=None, justification=None, angleDeg=0.0)
>>> # creates a group in root-layer and add text to it
>>> myGroup = self.createGroup(root_layer,'textGroup')
>>> #adds a text 'foo bar', rotated 45 degrees, at the point x=0,y=0, overriding justification of mySimpleStyle
>>> inkDraw.text.write(self, text='foo bar', coords=[0.0,0.0], parent=myGroup, textStyle=mySimpleStyle, fontSize=None, justification='left', angleDeg=45.0)
static latex(ExtensionBaseObj, parent, LaTeXtext, position, fontSize=10, refPoint='cc', textColor='#000000FF', LatexCommands=' ', angleDeg=0, preambleFile=None)[source]

Creates text element using LaTeX. You can use any LaTeX contents here.


LaTeX support is an optional feature that requires a few extra packages to be installed outside inkscape. It is enabled by default. Please refer to Disabling LaTeX support on how to disable it. If disabled, this function will still work, internally calling the text.write().

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • parent (inkscape element object) – parent object

  • LaTeXtext (string) – Contents of the text. Can contain any latex command

  • position (list) – Position of the reference point [x,y]

  • fontSize (float) – Size of the font. Assume any capitql letter of \normalsize will have this size. Default: 10

  • refPoint (string) – Text reference Point. See figure below for options. Default: cc

  • textColor (string) – Color in the format #RRGGBBAA (hexadecimal), or None for no color. Default: color.defined(‘black’)

  • LatexCommands (string) – Commands to be included before LaTeXtext (default: ‘ ‘). If LaTeX support is disabled, this parameter has no effect.

  • angleDeg (float) – Angle of the text, counterclockwise, in degrees. Default: 0

  • preambleFile (string) – Optional preamble file to be included. Default: None. If LaTeX support is disabled, this parameter has no effect.


the new text object

Return type:

text Object


This function does not use textStyle class elements.

Reference point options


Standard Preamble file

When a preamble file is not provided, inkscapeMadeEasy assumes a standard preamble file located at ./textextLib/basicLatexPackages.tex. By default, its contents is:


You will need these packages installed. This file can be modified to include extra default packages and/or commands.

LaTeX .tex document structure

LaTeX .tex document have the following structure. Note that LatexCommands lies within document environment:


[contents of Preamble file]



[contents of LatexCommands]

[contens of LaTeXtext]



>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> customCommand = r'\newcommand{\fooBar}{\textbf{Foo Bar Function! WhooHoo!}}'   # do not forget the r to avoid backslash escape.
>>> inkDraw.text.latex(self, root_layer,r'This is one equation \begin{align} x=y^2\end{align} And this is my \fooBar{}',
>>>                    position=[0.0,0.0], fontSize=10, refPoint='cc', textColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'), LatexCommands=customCommand, angleDeg=0, preambleFile=None)
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.cubicBezier[source]

Bases: object

This is a class with different methods for drawing cubic bezier lines.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static addNode(NodeList, coord=[0, 0], cPbefore=[-1, 0], cPafter=[1, 0], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=True)[source]

Add a new node to the list of nodes of the cubic bezier line.


This function does not draw the curve. To draw the curve see cubicBezier.draw() method.

  • NodeList (list) – Lst of nodes that will receive (append) the new node.

  • coord (list [x,y]) – List with the coordinates of the node

  • cPbefore (list [x,y]) – List with the coordinates of the control point before the node.

  • cPafter (list [x,y]) – List with the coordinates of the control point after the node. Used only if ‘typeNode’ is ‘smooth’ or ‘corner’

  • typeNode (string) –

    type of node to be added. See image below

    • corner: Node without smoothness constraint. The bezier curve can have a sharp edge at this node

    • smooth: Node with smoothness constraint. The bezier curve will be smooth at this node. If the control points do not form a straight line, then they are modified to form a straight line. See image below

    • symmetric: same as smooth, but the control points are forced to be symmetric with respect to the node.

  • flagAbsCoords (bool) – Indicate absolute or relative coordinates. See section below on how reference system works. .. warning:: All nodes in a given list must be defined in the same reference system (absolute or relative).



Return type:

Node Types

The image below presents the types of nodes


Smoothing control nodes

Image below present the process of smoothing control nodes not completely aligned when smooth is selected.


Absolute and relative coordinate systems

Cubic bezier curves are composed by segments which are defined by 4 coordinates, two node coordinates and two control points.


In absolute coordinate system, all node and control point locations are specified using the origin as reference. In relative coordinate system, control point localizations are specified using its node as reference, and each node use the previous node as reference (the first node use the origin as reference). See image below.


Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!




In the following example, the control point before the first node and after the last node are important when the bezier curve must be closed. See method draw

>>> # create a list of nodes using absolute coordinate system
>>> nodeListABS=[]
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[4,4], cPbefore=[6,6], cPafter=[2,6], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[8,12], cPbefore=[4,12], cPafter=[10,12], typeNode='smooth', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[12,8], cPbefore=[8,8], cPafter=[12,10], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[16,8], cPbefore=[14,10], cPafter=None, typeNode='symmetric', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[12,4], cPbefore=[16,4], cPafter=[10,6], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> # create a list of nodes using relative coordinate system
>>> nodeListREL=[]
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[4, 4], cPbefore=[2,2], cPafter=[-2,2], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=False)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[4, 8], cPbefore=[-4,0], cPafter=[2,0], typeNode='smooth', flagAbsCoords=False)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[4, -4], cPbefore=[-4,0], cPafter=[0,2], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=False)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[4, 0], cPbefore=[-2,2], cPafter=None, typeNode='symmetric', flagAbsCoords=False)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[-4,-4], cPbefore=[4,0], cPafter=[-2,2], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=False)
static draw(parent, NodeList, offset=array([0, 0]), label='none', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'}, closePath=False)[source]

draws the bezier line, given a list of nodes, built using cubicBezier.addNode() method

  • parent (inkscape element object) – parent object

  • NodeList (list of nodes) – list of nodes. See :cubicBezier.addNode method

  • offset (list) – offset coords. Default [0,0]

  • label (string) – label of the line. Default ‘none’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • closePath (bool) – Connects the first point to the last. Default: False


the new line object

Return type:

line Object



In the following example, the control point before the first node and after the last node are important when the bezier curve must be closed.

>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle = set(lineWidth=1.0, lineColor=color.defined('red'))
>>> # create a list of nodes using absolute coordinate system
>>> nodeListABS=[]
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[4,4], cPbefore=[6,6], cPafter=[2,6], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[8,12], cPbefore=[4,12], cPafter=[10,12], typeNode='smooth', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[12,8], cPbefore=[8,8], cPafter=[12,10], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[16,8], cPbefore=[14,10], cPafter=None, typeNode='symmetric', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListABS, coord=[12,4], cPbefore=[16,4], cPafter=[10,6], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=True)
>>> # create a list of nodes using relative coordinate system
>>> nodeListREL=[]
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[4, 4], cPbefore=[2,2], cPafter=[-2,2], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=False)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[4, 8], cPbefore=[-4,0], cPafter=[2,0], typeNode='smooth', flagAbsCoords=False)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[4, -4], cPbefore=[-4,0], cPafter=[0,2], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=False)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[4, 0], cPbefore=[-2,2], cPafter=None, typeNode='symmetric', flagAbsCoords=False)
>>> inkDraw.cubicBezier.addNode(nodeListREL, coord=[-4,-4], cPbefore=[4,0], cPafter=[-2,2], typeNode='corner', flagAbsCoords=False)
>>> C1 = inkDraw.cubicBezier.draw(root_layer,nodeListABS, offset=[0, 0],closePath=False)
>>> C2 = inkDraw.cubicBezier.draw(root_layer,nodeListABS, offset=[0, 0],closePath=True)
>>> C3 = inkDraw.cubicBezier.draw(root_layer,nodeListREL, offset=[0, 0],closePath=False)
>>> C4 = inkDraw.cubicBezier.draw(root_layer,nodeListREL, offset=[0, 0],closePath=True)

Result of the example

class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.line[source]

Bases: object

class with methods for drawing lines (paths).


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static absCoords(parent, coordsList, offset=[0, 0], label='none', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'}, closePath=False)[source]

Draw a (poly)line based on a list of absolute coordinates

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • coordsList (list of list) –

    List with coords x and y. ex: [[x1,y1], …, [xN,yN]]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • offset (list) – Offset coords. Default [0,0]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘none’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • closePath (bool) – Connects the first point to the last. Default: False


the new line object

Return type:

line Object


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=1.0, lineColor=color.defined('red'))
>>> # creates a polyline passing through points (0,0) (0,1) (1,1) (1,2) (2,2), and using absolute coordinates
>>> coords=[ [0,0], [0,1], [1,1], [1,2], [2,2] ]
>>> inkDraw.line.absCoords(root_layer, coordsList=coords, offset=[0, 0], label='fooBarLine', lineStyle=myLineStyle)
>>> # creates the same polyline translated to point (5,6). Note we just have to change the offset
>>> inkDraw.line.absCoords(root_layer, coordsList=coords, offset=[5, 6], label='fooBarLine', lineStyle=myLineStyle)
static relCoords(parent, coordsList, offset=[0, 0], label='none', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'}, closePath=False)[source]

Draw a (poly)line based on a list of relative coordinates

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • coordsList (list of list) –

    List with distances dx and dy for all points. ex [[dx1,dy1], …, [dxN,dyN]]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • offset (list) – Offset coords. Default [0,0]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘none’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • closePath (bool) – Connects the first point to the last. Default: False


the new line object

Return type:

line Object


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack(lineWidth=1.0)
>>> # creates a polyline passing through points (0,0) (0,1) (1,1) (1,2) (2,2) using relative coordinates
>>> coords=[ [0,1], [1,0], [0,1], [1,0] ]
>>> inkDraw.line.relCoords(root_layer, coordsList=coords, offset=[0, 0], label='fooBarLine', lineStyle=myLineStyle)
>>> # creates the same polyline translated to point (5,6)
>>> inkDraw.line.relCoords(root_layer, coordsList=coords, offset=[5, 6], label='fooBarLine', lineStyle=myLineStyle)
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.arc[source]

Bases: object

Class with methods for drawing arcs.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static startEndRadius(parent, Pstart, Pend, radius, offset=[0, 0], label='arc', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'}, flagRightOf=True, arcType='open', largeArc=False)[source]

Draw a circle arc from Pstart to Pend with a given radius

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • Pstart (list) –

    Start coordinate [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • Pend (list) – End coordinate [x,y]

  • radius (float) – Arc radius

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]. Default [0,0]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘arc’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • flagRightOf (bool) –

    Sets the side of the vector Pend-Pstart which the arc must be drawn. See image below

    • True: Draws the arc to the right (Default)

    • False: Draws the arc to the left

  • arcType (string) – type of arc. Valid values: ‘open’, ‘slice’, ‘chord’. See image below. Default: ‘open’

  • largeArc (bool) –

    Sets the largest arc to be drawn. See image below

    • True: Draws the largest arc

    • False: Draws the smallest arc (Default)


the new arc object

Return type:

line Object

Arc options



>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> P1=[10.0,0.0]
>>> P2=[20.0,10.0]
>>> R=15.0
>>> myLineStyle=inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>> #draws an open arc
>>> inkDraw.arc.startEndRadius(parent=root_layer, Pstart=P1, Pend=P2, radius=R, offset=[25,0], label='arc1',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, arcType='open')
>>> #draws a closed (slice) arc
>>> inkDraw.arc.startEndRadius(parent=root_layer, Pstart=P1, Pend=P2, radius=R, offset=[25,20], label='arc2',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, arcType='slice')
>>> #draws an open arc to the right
>>> inkDraw.arc.startEndRadius(parent=root_layer, Pstart=P1, Pend=P2, radius=R, offset=[0,0], label='arc',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, flagRightOf=True, largeArc=True)
static centerAngStartAngEnd(parent, centerPoint, radius, angStart, angEnd, offset=[0, 0], label='arc', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'}, arcType='open', largeArc=False)[source]

Draw a circle arc given its center and start and end angles

  • parent (inkscape element object) – parent object

  • centerPoint (list) –

    center coordinate [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • radius (float) – Arc radius

  • angStart (float) – Start angle in degrees

  • angEnd (float) – End angle in degrees

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘arc’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • arcType (string) – Type of arc. Valid values: ‘open’, ‘slice’, ‘chord’. See image below. Default: ‘open’

  • largeArc (bool) –

    Sets the largest arc to be drawn. See image below

    • True: Draws the largest arc

    • False: Draws the smallest arc (Default)


the new arc object

Return type:

line Object

Arc options



>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>> #draws the shortest arc
>>> inkDraw.arc.centerAngStartAngEnd(parent=root_layer, centerPoint=[0,0], radius=15.0, angStart=-10, angEnd=90,
>>>                                  offset=[0,0], label='arc1',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, arcType='open',largeArc=False)
>>> #draws the longest arc
>>> inkDraw.arc.centerAngStartAngEnd(parent=root_layer, centerPoint=[0,0], radius=15.0, angStart=-10, angEnd=90,
>>>                                  offset=[30,0], label='arc1',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, arcType='open',largeArc=True)
static threePoints(parent, Pstart, Pmid, Pend, offset=[0, 0], label='arc', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'}, arcType='open')[source]

Draw a circle arc given 3 points

  • parent (inkscape element object) – parent object

  • Pstart (list) –

    Start coordinate [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • Pmid (list) – Mid coordinate [x,y]

  • Pend (list) – End coordinate [x,y]

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘arc’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • arcType (string) – Type of arc. Valid values: ‘open’, ‘slice’, ‘chord’. See image below. Default: ‘open’


the new arc object

Return type:

line Object

Arc options



>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>> P1=[10.0,0.0]
>>> P2=[20.0,10.0]
>>> P3=[50.0,30.0]
>>> #draws an open arc
>>> inkDraw.arc.threePoints(parent=root_layer, Pstart=P1, Pmid=P3, Pend=P3, offset=[25,0], label='arc1',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, arcType='open')

Bases: object

Class with methods for drawing circles.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static centerRadius(parent, centerPoint, radius, offset=[0, 0], label='circle', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'})[source]

Draw a circle given its center point and radius

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • centerPoint (list) –

    Center coordinate [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • radius (float) – Circle’s radius

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘circle’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()


the new circle object

Return type:

line Object


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>>, centerPoint=[0,0], radius=15.0, offset=[5,1], label='circle1', lineStyle=myLineStyle)
static threePoints(parent, P1, P2, P3, offset=[0, 0], label='circle', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'})[source]

Draw a circle given 3 poins on the circle.

The function checks if the 3 points are aligned. In this case, no circle is drawn.

  • parent (inkscape element object) – parent object

  • P1 (list) – point coordinates [x,y]

  • P2 (list) – point coordinates [x,y]

  • P3 (list) –

    point coordinates [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘arc’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()


the new circle object

Return type:

line Object


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>>, P1=[0,0], P2=[30,40], P3=[-20,20], offset=[0,0], label='circle1', lineStyle=myLineStyle)
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.rectangle[source]

Bases: object

Class with methods for drawing rectangles.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static widthHeightCenter(parent, centerPoint, width, height, radiusX=None, radiusY=None, offset=[0, 0], label='rectangle', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'})[source]

Draw a rectangle given its center point and dimensions

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • centerPoint (list) –

    Center coordinate [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • width (float) – Dimension in X direction

  • height (float) – Dimension in Y direction

  • radiusX (float) – Rounding radius in X direction. If this value is None, the rectangle will have sharp corners. Default: None

  • radiusY (float) – Rounding radius in Y direction. - If None, then radiusX will also be used in Y direction. - If None and radiusX is also None, then the rectangle will have sharp corners. Default: None

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘circle’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()


the new rectangle object

Return type:

rectangle Object


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle=inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>> #draws a 50x60 rectangle with radiusX=2.0 and radiusY=3.0
>>> inkDraw.rectangle.widthHeightCenter(parent=root_layer, centerPoint=[0,0], width=50, height=60, radiusX=2.0,radiusY=3.0, offset=[0,0], label='rect1', lineStyle=myLineStyle)
static corners(parent, corner1, corner2, radiusX=None, radiusY=None, offset=[0, 0], label='rectangle', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'})[source]

Draw a rectangle given the coordinates of two oposite corners

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • corner1 (list) –

    Coordinates of corner 1 [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • corner2 (list) – Coordinates of corner 2 [x,y]

  • radiusX (float) – Rounding radius in X direction. If this value is None, the rectangle will have sharp corners. Default: None

  • radiusY (float) – Rounding radius in Y direction. If this value is None, then radiusX will also be used in Y direction. If radiusX is also None, then the rectangle will have sharp corners. Default: None

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘circle’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()


the new rectangle object

Return type:

rectangle Object


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle=inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>> #draws a rectangle with corners C1=[1,5] and C2=[6,10], with radiusX=2.0 and radiusY=3.0
>>> inkDraw.rectangle.corners(parent=root_layer, corner1=[1,5], corner2=[6,10], radiusX=2.0,radiusY=3.0, offset=[0,0], label='rect1',  lineStyle=myLineStyle)
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.ellipseArc[source]

Bases: object

Class with methods for drawing arcs of ellipses.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static startEndRadius(parent, Pstart, Pend, radiusX=1.0, radiusY=2.0, offset=[0, 0], label='arc', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'}, flagRightOf=True, arcType='open', largeArc=False)[source]

Draw an arc of ellipse, from Pstart to Pend with a given radiusX and radiusY

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • Pstart (list) –

    Start coordinate [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • Pend (list) – End coordinate [x,y]

  • radiusX (float) – Arc radius is X coordinate

  • radiusY (float) – Arc radius is Y coordinate

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]. Default [0,0]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘arc’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • flagRightOf (bool) –

    Sets the side of the vector Pend-Pstart which the arc must be drawn. See image below

    • True: Draws the arc to the right (Default)

    • False: Draws the arc to the left

  • arcType (string) – type of arc. Valid values: ‘open’, ‘slice’, ‘chord’. See image below. Default: ‘open’

  • largeArc (bool) –

    Sets the largest arc to be drawn. See image below

    • True: Draws the largest arc

    • False: Draws the smallest arc (Default)


the new arc object

Return type:

line Object

Arc options



>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> P1=[10.0,0.0]
>>> P2=[20.0,10.0]
>>> Rx=15.0
>>  Ry=20.0
>>> myLineStyle=inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>> #draws an open arc
>>> inkDraw.ellipseArc.startEndRadius(parent=root_layer, Pstart=P1, Pend=P2, radiusX=Rx, radiusX=Ry, offset=[25,0], label='arc1',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, arcType='open')
>>> #draws a closed (slice) arc
>>> inkDraw.ellipseArc.startEndRadius(parent=root_layer, Pstart=P1, Pend=P2, radiusX=Rx, radiusX=Ry, offset=[25,20], label='arc2',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, arcType='slice')
>>> #draws an open arc to the right
>>> inkDraw.ellipseArc.startEndRadius(parent=root_layer, Pstart=P1, Pend=P2, radiusX=Rx, radiusX=Ry, offset=[0,0], label='arc',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, flagRightOf=True, largeArc=True)
static centerAngStartAngEnd(parent, centerPoint, radiusX, radiusY, angStart, angEnd, offset=[0, 0], label='arc', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'}, arcType='open', largeArc=False)[source]

Draw an arc of ellipse given its center and start and end angles

  • parent (inkscape element object) – parent object

  • centerPoint (list) –

    center coordinate [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • radiusX (float) – Arc radius is X coordinate

  • radiusY (float) – Arc radius is Y coordinate

  • angStart (float) – Start angle in degrees

  • angEnd (float) – End angle in degrees

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘arc’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • arcType (string) – Type of arc. Valid values: ‘open’, ‘slice’, ‘chord’. See image below. Default: ‘open’

  • largeArc (bool) –

    Sets the largest arc to be drawn. See image below

    • True: Draws the largest arc

    • False: Draws the smallest arc (Default)


the new arc object

Return type:

line Object

Arc options



>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle = inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>> #draws the shortest arc
>>> inkDraw.ellipseArc.centerAngStartAngEnd(parent=root_layer, centerPoint=[0,0], radiusX=15.0, radiusY=25.0, angStart=-10, angEnd=90,
>>>                                         offset=[0,0], label='arc1',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, arcType='open',largeArc=False)
>>> #draws the longest arc
>>> inkDraw.ellipseArc.centerAngStartAngEnd(parent=root_layer, centerPoint=[0,0], radiusX=15.0, radiusY=25.0,, angStart=-10, angEnd=90,
>>>                                         offset=[30,0], label='arc1',  lineStyle=myLineStyle, arcType='open',largeArc=True)
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.ellipse[source]

Bases: object

Class with methods for drawing ellipses.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.

static centerRadius(parent, centerPoint, radiusX, radiusY, offset=[0, 0], label='ellipse', lineStyle={'fill': 'none', 'fill-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round', 'stroke-opacity': '1.0', 'stroke-width': '1.0'})[source]

Draw an ellipse given its center point and radii

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • centerPoint (list) –

    Center coordinate [x,y]


    Keep in mind that Inkscape’s y axis is upside down!

  • radiusX (float) – Ellipse’s radius in x direction

  • radiusY (float) – Ellipse’s radius in y direction

  • offset (list) – Extra offset coords [x,y]

  • label (string) – Label of the line. Default ‘circle’

  • lineStyle (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used. See lineStyle class. Default: lineStyle=lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()


the new ellipse object

Return type:

line Object


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> myLineStyle=inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()
>>> #draws the shortest arc
>>> inkDraw.ellipse.centerRadius(parent=root_layer, centerPoint=[0,0], radiusX=15.0, radiusY=25.0, offset=[5,1], label='circle1',  lineStyle=myLineStyle)


This module contains classes and functions to create plots


Unless explicitly mentioned, all the code snippet presented in this section assume you are using inkscapeMadeEasy as presented in the Minimal example section and your are within the scope of your extension class and, therefore, can use self.[SOME_FUNCTION].


in all examples, assume inkscapeMadeEasy modules are imported with the following aliases

1import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Base as inkBase
2import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw as inkDraw
3import inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Plot as inkPlot

Display a message to the user.


msg (string) – message



Return type:


Identical function has been also defined inside inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy() class

inkscapeMadeEasy_Plot.Dump(obj, file='./dump_file.txt', mode='w')[source]

Function to easily output the result of str(obj) to a file

  • obj (any) – python object to sent to a file. Any object can be used, as long as str(obj) is implemented (see __str__() metaclass definition of your object)

  • file (string) – file path. Default: ./dump_file.txt

  • mode (string) – writing mode of the file Default: w (write)



Return type:


Identical function has been also defined inside inkscapeMadeEasy_Base.inkscapeMadeEasy() class

This function was created to help debugging the code while it is running under inkscape. Since inkscape does not possess a terminal as today (2016), this function overcomes partially the issue of sending things to stdout by dumping result of the function str() in a text file.


>>> vector1=[1,2,3,4,5,6]
>>> inkPlot.Dump(vector1,file='~/temporary.txt',mode='w')   # writes the list to a file
>>> vector2=[7,8,9,10]
>>> inkPlot.Dump(vector2,file='~/temporary.txt',mode='a')   # append the list to a file
class inkscapeMadeEasy_Plot.axis[source]

Bases: object

This class has member functions to create customizable plot axes.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.


This class can use LaTeX to render text if LaTeX support is enabled. LaTeX support is an optional feature that requires a few extra packages to be installed outside inkscape. It is enabled by default. Please refer to Disabling LaTeX support on how to disable it. If disabled, this function will still work, internally calling the inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.text.write() to generate text.

static cartesian(ExtensionBaseObj, parent, xLim, yLim, position=[0, 0], xLabel='', yLabel='', xlog10scale=False, ylog10scale=False, xTicks=True, yTicks=True, xTickStep=1.0, yTickStep=1.0, xScale=20, yScale=20, xAxisUnitFactor='', yAxisUnitFactor='', xGrid=False, yGrid=False, forceTextSize=0, forceLineWidth=0, drawAxis=True, ExtraLengthAxisX=0.0, ExtraLengthAxisY=0.0)[source]

Creates the axes of a cartesian plot


This method uses LaTeX in labels and tick marks if LaTeX support is enabled. This is an optional feature, enabled by default. Please refer to Disabling LaTeX support on how to disable it.

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • xLim (list) – Limits of the X axis [x_min,x_max]. If the axis is in log10 scale, then the limits will be rounded to complete one decade.

  • yLim (list) – Limits of the Y axis [y_min,y_max]. If the axis is in log10 scale, then the limits will be rounded to complete one decade.

  • position (list) –

    Position of the plot. It is defined at the point where x and y axis cross [x0,y0]. The point where the axis cross depend on the limits.

    • If xLimits comprises the origin x=0, then the Y axis crosses the X axis at x=0.

    • If xLimits contains only negative numbers, then the Y axis crosses the X axis at x_max.

    • If xLimits contains only positive numbers, then the Y axis crosses the X axis at x_min.

    • The same rule applies to y direction.

  • xLabel (string) –

    Label of the X axis. Default: ‘’

    The text can contain any LaTeX command. If you want to write mathematical text, you can enclose it between dollar signs $…$. If LaTeX support is disabled, do not use $.

  • yLabel (string) –

    Label of the Y axis. Default: ‘’

    The text can contain any LaTeX command. If you want to write mathematical text, you can enclose it between dollar signs $…$. If LaTeX support is disabled, do not use $.

  • xlog10scale (bool) – Sets X axis to log10 scale if True. Default: False

  • ylog10scale (bool) – Sets Y axis to log10 scale if True. Default: False

  • xTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the X axis if True. Default: True

  • yTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the Y axis if True. Default: True

  • xTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on X axis. (Not used if X axis is in log10 scale). Default:1.0

  • yTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on Y axis. (Not used if Y axis is in log10 scale). Default:1.0

  • xScale (float) –

    Distance between each xTickStep in svg units. Default: 20

    • If axis is linear, then xScale is the size in svg units of each tick

    • If axis is log10, the xScale is the size in svg units of one decade

  • yScale (float) –

    Distance between each yTickStep in svg units. Default: 20

    • If axis is linear, then yScale is the size in svg units of each tick

    • If axis is log10, the yScale is the size in svg units of one decade

  • xAxisUnitFactor (string) –

    Extra text to be added to the ticks in X axis. Default: ‘’

    This is useful when we want to represent interval with different units. example pi, 2pi 3pi, etc. The text can be any LaTeX text. Keep in mind that this text will be inserted within a mathematical environment $…$, therefore no $ is needed here.

  • yAxisUnitFactor (string) –

    Extra text to be added to the ticks in Y axis. Default: ‘’

    This is useful when we want to represent interval with different units. example pi, 2pi 3pi, etc. The text can be any LaTeX text. Keep in mind that this text will be inserted within a mathematical environment $…$, therefore no $ is needed here.

  • xGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to X axis if True. Default: False

  • yGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to Y axis if True. Default: False

  • forceTextSize (float) – Size of the text. If this parameter is 0.0 then the method will compute an appropriate size. Default: 0.0

  • forceLineWidth (float) – Width of the lines. If this parameter is 0.0 then the method will compute an appropriate size. Default: 0.0

  • drawAxis (bool) –

    Control flag of the axis method

    • True: draws axis normally

    • False: returns the limits and origin position without drawing the axis itself

  • ExtraLengthAxisX (float) – Extra length near the arrow pointer of X axis. Default 0.0

  • ExtraLengthAxisY (float) – Extra length near the arrow pointer of Y axis. Default 0.0


[GroupPlot, outputLimits, axisOrigin]

  • GroupPlot: the axis area object (if drawAxis=False, this output is None)

  • outputLimits: a list with tuples:[(x_min,xPos_min),(x_max,xPos_max),(y_min,yPos_min),(y_max,yPos_max)]

    • x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max: The limits of the axis object

    • xPos_min, xPos_max, yPos_min, yPos_max: The positions of the limits of the axis object, considering the scaling and units

  • axisOrigin [X0,Y0]: A list with the coordinates of the point where the axes cross.

Return type:



>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> inkPlot.axis.cartesian(ExtensionBaseObj, parent=root_layer, xLim=[0,3], yLim=[0,2], position=[0, 0],
>>>                        xLabel='my label $x$', yLabel='my label $y$', xlog10scale=False, ylog10scale=False,
>>>                        xTicks=True, yTicks=True, xTickStep=0.5, yTickStep=1.0, xScale=50, yScale=60,
>>>                        xAxisUnitFactor='', yAxisUnitFactor='', xGrid=True, yGrid=True, forceTextSize=0, forceLineWidth=0,
>>>                        drawAxis=True, ExtraLengthAxisX=20.0, ExtraLengthAxisY=10.0)

The images below show the cartesian plane of the example above, together with other variations.

static polar(ExtensionBaseObj, parent, rLim, tLim=[0.0, 360.0], position=[0.0, 0.0], rLabel='', rlog10scale=False, rTicks=True, tTicks=True, rTickStep=1.0, tTickStep=45.0, rScale=20, rAxisUnitFactor='', rGrid=False, tGrid=False, forceTextSize=0, forceLineWidth=0, drawAxis=True, ExtraLengthAxisR=0.0)[source]

Creates the axes of a polar plot


This method uses LaTeX in labels and tick marks if LaTeX support is enabled. This is an optional feature, enabled by default. Please refer to Disabling LaTeX support on how to disable it.

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • rLim (list) – Limits of the R axis [r_min,r_max]. If the axis is in log10 scale, then the limits will be rounded to complete one decade.

  • tLim (list) – Limits of the theta axis [t_min,t_max]. Values in degrees. Default: [0,360]

  • position (list) – Position of the center [x0,y0].

  • rLabel (string) –

    Label of the R axis. Default: ‘’

    The text can contain any LaTeX command. If you want to write mathematical text, you can enclose it between dollar signs $…$. If LaTeX support is disabled, do not use $.

  • rlog10scale (bool) –

    Sets R axis to log10 scale if True. Default: False

    • If rlog10scale=True, then the lower limit of rLim must be >=1

  • rTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the R axis if True. Default: True

  • tTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the theta axis if True. Default: True

  • rTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on R axis. (Not used if R axis is in log10 scale). Default:1.0

  • tTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on theta axis. Default:45.0

  • rScale (float) –

    Distance between each rTickStep in svg units. Default: 20

    • If axis is linear, then rScale is the size in svg units of each tick

    • If axis is log10, the rScale is the size in svg units of one decade

  • rAxisUnitFactor (string) –

    Extra text to be added to the ticks in R axis. Default: ‘’

    This is useful when we want to represent interval with different units. example pi, 2pi 3pi, etc. The text can be any LaTeX text. Keep in mind that this text will be inserted within a mathematical environment $…$, therefore no $ is needed here.

  • rGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to R axis if true. Default: False

  • tGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to theta axis if true. Default: False

  • forceTextSize (float) – Size of the text. If this parameter is 0.0 then the method will compute an appropriate size. Default: 0.0

  • forceLineWidth (float) – Width of the lines. If this parameter is 0.0 then the method will compute an appropriate size. Default: 0.0

  • drawAxis (bool) –

    Control flag of the axis method

    • True: draws axis normally

    • False: returns the limits and origin position without drawing the axis itself

  • ExtraLengthAxisR (float) – Extra length between the R axis and its label. Default 0.0


[GroupPlot, outputRLimits, axisOrigin]

  • GroupPlot: the axis area object (if drawAxis=False, this output is None)

  • outputRLimits: a list with tuples:[(r_min,rPos_min),(r_max,rPos_max)]

    • r_min, r_max : The limits of the axis object

    • rPos_min, rPos_max : The positions of the limits of the axis object, considering the scaling and units

  • axisOrigin [X0,Y0] : A list with the coordinates of the point where the axes cross.

Return type:



>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> inkPlot.axis.cartesian(self, parent=root_layer, rLim=[0, 3], tLim=[0, 150], position=[0.0, 0.0], rLabel='my radius',
>>>                        rlog10scale=False, rTicks=True, tTicks=True, rTickStep=1.0, tTickStep=30.0, rScale=50,
>>>                        rAxisUnitFactor='', rGrid=True, tGrid=True, forceTextSize=0, forceLineWidth=0,
>>>                        drawAxis=True, ExtraLengthAxisR=10.0)

The images below show the cartesian plane of the example above, together with other variations.

class inkscapeMadeEasy_Plot.plot[source]

Bases: object

This class has member functions to create plots.


This class contains only static methods so that your plugin class don’t have to inherit it.


This class uses LaTeX in labels and tick marks if LaTeX support is enabled. This is an optional feature, enabled by default. Please refer to Disabling LaTeX support on how to disable it. If disabled, this function will still work, internally calling the inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.text.write() to generate text.

static cartesian(ExtensionBaseObj, parent, xData, yData, position=[0, 0], xLabel='', yLabel='', xlog10scale=False, ylog10scale=False, xTicks=True, yTicks=True, xTickStep=1.0, yTickStep=1.0, xScale=20, yScale=20, xExtraText='', yExtraText='', xGrid=False, yGrid=False, generalAspectFactorAxis=1.0, lineStylePlot=inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack, forceXlim=None, forceYlim=None, drawAxis=True, ExtraLengthAxisX=0.0, ExtraLengthAxisY=0.0)[source]

Create a cartesian Plot


This method uses LaTeX in labels and tick marks if LaTeX support is enabled. This is an optional feature, enabled by default. Please refer to Disabling LaTeX support on how to disable it.

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • xData (list) – List of x data

  • yData (list) – List of y data

  • position (list) –

    Position of the plot. It is defined at the point where x and y axis cross [x0,y0]. The point where the axis cross depend on the limits.

    • If xLimits comprises the origin x=0, then the Y axis crosses the X axis at x=0.

    • If xLimits contains only negative numbers, then the Y axis crosses the X axis at x_max.

    • If xLimits contains only positive numbers, then the Y axis crosses the X axis at x_min.

    • The same rule applies to y direction.

  • xLabel (string) –

    Label of the X axis. Default: ‘’

    The text can contain any LaTeX command. If you want to write mathematical text, you can enclose it between dollar signs $…$. If LaTeX support is disabled, do not use $.

  • yLabel (string) –

    Label of the Y axis. Default: ‘’

    The text can contain any LaTeX command. If you want to write mathematical text, you can enclose it between dollar signs $…$. If LaTeX support is disabled, do not use $.

  • xlog10scale (bool) – Sets X axis to log10 scale if True. Default: False

  • ylog10scale (bool) – Sets Y axis to log10 scale if True. Default: False

  • xTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the X axis if True. Default: True

  • yTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the Y axis if True. Default: True

  • xTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on X axis. (Not used if X axis is in log10 scale). Default:1.0

  • yTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on Y axis. (Not used if Y axis is in log10 scale). Default:1.0

  • xScale (float) –

    Distance between each xTickStep in svg units. Default: 20

    • If axis is linear, then xScale is the size in svg units of each tick

    • If axis is log10, the xScale is the size in svg units of one decade

  • yScale (float) –

    Distance between each yTickStep in svg units. Default: 20

    • If axis is linear, then yScale is the size in svg units of each tick

    • If axis is log10, the yScale is the size in svg units of one decade

  • xExtraText (string) –

    Extra text to be added to the ticks in X axis. Default: ‘’

    This is useful when we want to represent interval with different units. example pi, 2pi 3pi, etc. The text can be any LaTeX text. Keep in mind that this text will be inserted within a mathematical environment $…$, therefore no $ is needed here.

  • yExtraText (string) –

    Extra text to be added to the ticks in Y axis. Default: ‘’

    This is useful when we want to represent interval with different units. example pi, 2pi 3pi, etc. The text can be any LaTeX text. Keep in mind that this text will be inserted within a mathematical environment $…$, therefore no $ is needed here.

  • xGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to X axis if True. Default: False

  • yGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to Y axis if True. Default: False

  • generalAspectFactorAxis (float) – Regulates the general aspect ratio between grid lines, text and Ticks separations. Default: 1.0

  • lineStylePlot (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used to plot the data. See class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.lineStyle. Default: lineStylePlot=inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • forceXlim (list) –

    Forces limits of X axis to these limits. These limits affect the axis only, that is, all xData is plotted despite of these limits.

    • if forceXlim=None Limits will be defined by the limits of xData (Default)

    • if forceXlim=[xMin,xMax] then these limits will be used.


    for logarithmic scale, the limits are always adjusted to complete the decade. Usually you don’t need this for logarithmic scale

  • forceYlim (list) –

    Forces limits of Y axis to these limits. These limits affect the axis only, that is, all yData is plotted despite of these limits.

    • if forceYlim=None Limits will be defined by the limits of yData (Default)

    • if forceYlim=[yMin,yMax] then these limits will be used.


    for logarithmic scale, the limits are always adjusted to complete the decade. Usually you don’t need this for logarithmic scale

  • drawAxis (bool) –

    Control flag of the axis method

    • True: draws axis normally

    • False: returns the limits and origin position without drawing the axis itself

  • ExtraLengthAxisX (float) – Extra length near the arrow pointer of X axis. Default 0.0

  • ExtraLengthAxisY (float) – Extra length near the arrow pointer of Y axis. Default 0.0


[GroupPlot, outputLimits, axisOrigin]

  • GroupPlot: the plot object

  • outputLimits: a list with tuples:[(x_min,xPos_min),(x_max,xPos_max),(y_min,yPos_min),(y_max,yPos_max)]

    • x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max: The limits of the axis object

    • xPos_min, xPos_max, yPos_min, yPos_max: The positions of the limits of the axis object, considering the scaling and units

  • axisOrigin [X0,Y0]: A list with the coordinates of the point where the axes cross.

Return type:



If any of the axis are log10, then the method ignores any pairs of (x,y) data with invalid coordinates, that is, if xData and/or yData is less than or equal to 0.0 (they would result in complex log10… =P ). The method will create a text object alongside your plot warning this.


If any of the axis are linear, the method will ignore any value greater than 10.000 (in absolute value). This avoids plotting very large numbers. The method will create a text object alongside your plot warning this.


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> xData=[-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2]
>>> yData=[x*x for x in xData]    # computes y=x*x
>>> #create a lineStyle for the plot
>>> myMarkerDot=inkDraw.marker.createDotMarker(self,'DotM',RenameMode=2,scale=0.3,
>>>                                            strokeColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),fillColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'))
>>> lineStyleDiscrete = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=1.0, markerStart=myMarkerDot,markerMid=myMarkerDot,markerEnd=myMarkerDot)
>>> inkPlot.plot.cartesian(self,root_layer,xData,yData,position=[0,0],
>>>                        xLabel='my $x$ data',yLabel='$y(x)$',xlog10scale=False,ylog10scale=False,
>>>                        xTicks=True,yTicks=True,xTickStep=0.5,yTickStep=2.0,
>>>                        xScale=20,yScale=10,xExtraText='a',yExtraText='',
>>>                        xGrid=True,yGrid=True,generalAspectFactorAxis=1.0,lineStylePlot=lineStyleDiscrete,
>>>                        forceXlim=None,forceYlim=None,drawAxis=True)

The image below present the plot above with a few argument variations.

static polar(ExtensionBaseObj, parent, rData, tData, position=[0, 0], rLabel='', rlog10scale=False, rTicks=True, tTicks=True, rTickStep=1.0, tTickStep=45.0, rScale=20, rExtraText='', rGrid=False, tGrid=False, generalAspectFactorAxis=1.0, lineStylePlot=inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack, forceRlim=None, forceTlim=None, drawAxis=True, ExtraLengthAxisR=0.0)[source]

Create a polar Plot


This method uses LaTeX in labels and tick marks if LaTeX support is enabled. This is an optional feature, enabled by default. Please refer to Disabling LaTeX support on how to disable it.

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • rData (list) – List of R data

  • tData (list) – List of Theta data

  • position (list) – Position of the plot [x0,y0]. It is defined at the center point

  • rLabel (string) –

    Label of the R axis. Default: ‘’

    The text can contain any LaTeX command. If you want to write mathematical text, you can enclose it between dollar signs $…$. If LaTeX support is disabled, do not use $.

  • rlog10scale (bool) – Sets R axis to log10 scale if True. Default: False

  • rTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the R axis if True. Default: True

  • tTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the Theta axis if True. Default: True

  • rTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on R axis. (Not used if R axis is in log10 scale). Default:1.0

  • tTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on Theta axis.

  • rScale (float) –

    Distance between each rTickStep in svg units. Default: 20

    • If axis is linear, then rScale is the size in svg units of each tick

    • If axis is log10, the rScale is the size in svg units of one decade

  • rExtraText (string) –

    Extra text to be added to the ticks in R axis. Default: ‘’

    This is useful when we want to represent interval with different units. example pi, 2pi 3pi, etc. The text can be any LaTeX text. Keep in mind that this text will be inserted within a mathematical environment $…$, therefore no $ is needed here.

  • rGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to R axis if True. Default: False

  • tGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to Theta axis if True. Default: False

  • generalAspectFactorAxis (float) – Regulates the general aspect ratio between grid lines, text and Ticks separations. Default: 1.0

  • lineStylePlot (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used to plot the data. See class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.lineStyle. Default: lineStylePlot=inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • forceRlim (list) –

    Forces limits of R axis to these limits. These limits affect the axis only, that is, all rData is plotted despite of these limits.

    • if forceRlim=None Limits will be defined by the limits of rData (Default)

    • if forceRlim=[rMin,rMax] then these limits will be used.


    for logarithmic scale, the limits are always adjusted to complete the decade. Usually you don’t need this for logarithmic scale

  • forceTlim (list) –

    Forces limits of Theta axis to these limits. These limits affect the axis only, that is, all tData is plotted despite of these limits.

    • if forceTlim=None Limits will be defined by min and max of tData (Default)

    • if forceTlim=[tMin,tMax] then these limits will be used.

  • drawAxis (bool) –

    Control flag of the axis method

    • True: draws axis normally

    • False: returns the limits and origin position without drawing the axis itself

  • ExtraLengthAxisR (float) – Extra length near the arrow pointer of R axis. Default 0.0


[GroupPlot, outputLimits, axisOrigin]

  • GroupPlot: the plot object

  • outputLimits: a list with tuples:[(x_min,xPos_min),(x_max,xPos_max),(y_min,yPos_min),(y_max,yPos_max)]

    • x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max: The limits of the axis object

    • xPos_min, xPos_max, yPos_min, yPos_max: The positions of the limits of the axis object, considering the scaling and units

    • axisOrigin [X0,Y0]: A list with the coordinates of the point where the axes cross.

Return type:



If any of the axis are log10, then the method ignores any pairs of (x,y) data with invalid coordinates, that is, if rData and/or tData is less than or equal to 0.0 (they would result in complex log10… =P ). The method will create a text object alongside your plot warning this.


If any of the axis are linear, the method will ignore any value greater than 10.000 (in absolute value). This avoids plotting very large numbers. The method will create a text object alongside your plot warning this.


>>> root_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> rData=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12]
>>> tData=[30*x for x in range(12)]
>>> myMarkerDot=inkDraw.marker.createDotMarker(self,'DotM',RenameMode=2,scale=0.3,
>>>                                            strokeColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),fillColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'))
>>> lineStyleDiscrete = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=1.0,linecolor=inkDraw.color.defined('red'),
>>>                                           markerStart=myMarkerDot,markerMid=myMarkerDot,markerEnd=myMarkerDot)
>>> inkPlot.plot.polar(self,root_layer,rData,tData,position=[0,0],
>>>                    rLabel='my $R$ data',rlog10scale=False,
>>>                    rTicks=True,tTicks=True,rTickStep=2,tTickStep=30,
>>>                    rScale=20,rExtraText='a',
>>>                    rGrid=True,tGrid=True,generalAspectFactorAxis=1.0,lineStylePlot=lineStyleDiscrete,
>>>                    forceRlim=None,forceTlim=None,drawAxis=True)
>>> # another spiral, comprising two turns
>>> tData=[2*x for x in range(360)]
>>> rData=[x/180.0 for x in tData]
>>> inkPlot.plot.polar(self,root_layer,rData,tData,position=[0,0],
>>>                    rLabel='my $R$ data',rlog10scale=False,
>>>                    rTicks=True,tTicks=True,rTickStep=2,tTickStep=30,
>>>                    rScale=20,rExtraText='',
>>>                    rGrid=True,tGrid=True,generalAspectFactorAxis=1.0,
>>>                    forceRlim=None,forceTlim=None,drawAxis=True)

The image below present the plot above with a few argument variations.

static stem(ExtensionBaseObj, parent, xData, yData, position=[0, 0], xLabel='', yLabel='', ylog10scale=False, xTicks=True, yTicks=True, xTickStep=1.0, yTickStep=1.0, xScale=20, yScale=20, xExtraText='', yExtraText='', xGrid=False, yGrid=False, generalAspectFactorAxis=1.0, lineStylePlot=inkscapeMadeEasy.inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack, forceXlim=None, forceYlim=None, drawAxis=True, ExtraLengthAxisX=0.0, ExtraLengthAxisY=0.0)[source]

Create a cartesian stem plot


This method uses LaTeX in labels and tick marks if LaTeX support is enabled. This is an optional feature, enabled by default. Please refer to Disabling LaTeX support on how to disable it.

  • ExtensionBaseObj (inkscapeMadeEasy object) – Most of the times you have to pass ‘self’ when calling from inside your plugin class. See example below

  • parent (inkscape element object) – Parent object

  • xData (list) – List of x data

  • yData (list) – List of y data

  • position (list) –

    Position of the plot. It is defined at the point where x and y axis cross [x0,y0]. The point where the axis cross depend on the limits.

    • If xLimits comprises the origin x=0, then the Y axis crosses the X axis at x=0.

    • If xLimits contains only negative numbers, then the Y axis crosses the X axis at x_max.

    • If xLimits contains only positive numbers, then the Y axis crosses the X axis at x_min.

    • The same rule applies to y direction.

  • xLabel (string) –

    Label of the X axis. Default: ‘’

    The text can contain any LaTeX command. If you want to write mathematical text, you can enclose it between dollar signs $…$. If LaTeX support is disabled, do not use $.

  • yLabel (string) –

    Label of the Y axis. Default: ‘’

    The text can contain any LaTeX command. If you want to write mathematical text, you can enclose it between dollar signs $…$. If LaTeX support is disabled, do not use $.

  • ylog10scale (bool) – Sets Y axis to log10 scale if True. Default: False

  • xTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the X axis if True. Default: True

  • yTicks (bool) – Adds axis ticks to the Y axis if True. Default: True

  • xTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on X axis. (Not used if X axis is in log10 scale). Default:1.0

  • yTickStep (float) – Value interval between two consecutive ticks on Y axis. (Not used if Y axis is in log10 scale). Default:1.0

  • xScale (float) –

    Distance between each xTickStep in svg units. Default: 20

    • If axis is linear, then xScale is the size in svg units of each tick

    • If axis is log10, the xScale is the size in svg units of one decade

  • yScale (float) –

    Distance between each yTickStep in svg units. Default: 20

    • If axis is linear, then yScale is the size in svg units of each tick

    • If axis is log10, the yScale is the size in svg units of one decade

  • xExtraText (string) –

    Extra text to be added to the ticks in X axis. Default: ‘’

    This is useful when we want to represent interval with different units. example pi, 2pi 3pi, etc. The text can be any LaTeX text. Keep in mind that this text will be inserted within a mathematical environment $…$, therefore no $ is needed here.

  • yExtraText (string) –

    Extra text to be added to the ticks in Y axis. Default: ‘’

    This is useful when we want to represent interval with different units. example pi, 2pi 3pi, etc. The text can be any LaTeX text. Keep in mind that this text will be inserted within a mathematical environment $…$, therefore no $ is needed here.

  • xGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to X axis if True. Default: False

  • yGrid (bool) – Adds grid lines to Y axis if True. Default: False

  • generalAspectFactorAxis (float) – Regulates the general aspect ratio between grid lines, text and Ticks separations. Default: 1.0

  • lineStylePlot (lineStyle object) – Line style to be used to plot the data. See class inkscapeMadeEasy_Draw.lineStyle. Default: lineStylePlot=inkDraw.lineStyle.setSimpleBlack()

  • forceXlim (list) –

    Forces limits of X axis to these limits. These limits affect the axis only, that is, all xData is plotted despite of these limits.

    • if forceXlim=None Limits will be defined by the limits of xData (Default)
      • if forceXlim=[xMin,xMax] then these limits will be used.


    for logarithmic scale, the limits are always adjusted to complete the decade. Usually you don’t need this for logarithmic scale

  • forceYlim (list) –

    Forces limits of Y axis to these limits. These limits affect the axis only, that is, all yData is plotted despite of these limits.

    • if forceYlim=None Limits will be defined by the limits of yData (Default)
      • if forceYlim=[yMin,yMax] then these limits will be used.


    for logarithmic scale, the limits are always adjusted to complete the decade. Usually you don’t need this for logarithmic scale

  • drawAxis (bool) –

    Control flag of the axis method

    • True: draws axis normally

    • False: returns the limits and origin position without drawing the axis itself

  • ExtraLengthAxisX (float) – Extra length near the arrow pointer of X axis. Default 0.0

  • ExtraLengthAxisY (float) – Extra length near the arrow pointer of Y axis. Default 0.0


[GroupPlot, outputLimits, axisOrigin]

  • GroupPlot: the plot object

  • outputLimits: a list with tuples:[(x_min,xPos_min),(x_max,xPos_max),(y_min,yPos_min),(y_max,yPos_max)]

    • x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max: The limits of the axis object

    • xPos_min, xPos_max, yPos_min, yPos_max: The positions of the limits of the axis object, considering the scaling and units

    • axisOrigin [X0,Y0]: A list with the coordinates of the point where the axes cross.

Return type:



If any of the axis are log10, then the method ignores any pairs of (x,y) data with invalid coordinates, that is, if xData and/or yData is less than or equal to 0.0 (they would result in complex log10… =P ). The method will create a text object alongside your plot warning this.


If any of the axis are linear, the method will ignore any value greater than 10.000 (in absolute value). This avoids plotting very large numbers. The method will create a text object alongside your plot warning this.


>>> oot_layer = self.document.getroot()     # retrieves the root layer of the document
>>> xData=[-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2]
>>> yData=[x*x for x in xData]    # computes y=x*x
>>> # creates a line style with a dot marker for the stem plot
>>> myMarkerDot=inkDraw.marker.createDotMarker(self,'DotMDiscreteTime',RenameMode=2,scale=0.3,
>>>                                            strokeColor=inkDraw.color.defined('black'),fillColor=inkDraw.color.defined('red'))
>>> lineStyleDiscrete = inkDraw.lineStyle.set(lineWidth=1.0, markerEnd=myMarkerDot)
>>> inkPlot.plot.stem(self,root_layer,xData,yData,position=[0,0],
>>>                   xLabel='my $x$ data',yLabel='$y(x)$',ylog10scale=False,
>>>                   xTicks=True,yTicks=True,xTickStep=0.5,yTickStep=2.0,
>>>                   xScale=20,yScale=20,xExtraText='a',yExtraText='',
>>>                   xGrid=True,yGrid=True,generalAspectFactorAxis=1.0,lineStylePlot=lineStyleDiscrete,
>>>                   forceXlim=None,forceYlim=None,drawAxis=True)

The image below present the plot above.
